Monday, August 25, 2014

New Urban Oases

Sixth Avenue and 23rd Street
I've noticed lately that Manhattan streets have become kinder public spaces.  The busy crossroads like 23rd Street and 6th Avenue, the 34 St Herald Square area, and Times Square, are much nicer to pedestrians by inviting them to sit down in these nice cozy chairs and tables.  Growing up, these intersections were traffic nightmares and pedestrian no go zones.  I happened to be walking around 6th Avenue and 23rd, and it was such a serene (for New York) setting.  The air was nicer because there was no exhaust fumes coming out of so many cars, the traffic was diverted away from these rest areas.  People were enjoying the day and just sitting around small tables people-gazing or eating.  It's just so civilized.  A lot of this is due to former Mayor Bloomberg who championed these urban islands of serenity amidst all the noise and pollution.  Giuliani may have made New York safe, but Bloomberg is the mayor who made New York livable.

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