Saturday, January 3, 2015

New York's Great Discount Stores

I am lucky to live in New York.  I know, it's congested, it has a high crime rate, it's noisy, and those are the three minuses of living here that I can reel off the top of my head.  But one of the best things about New York is that you almost never have to pay retail.  New York has great discount shopping opportunities.  Let me tell you about two of my Go-to favorites: Century 21 and Jack's.

Century 21 in New York is a clothing store and should not be confused with the real estate organization.  You can find name brand designers off-the-rack for up to 50% and sometimes 70% off.  And you don't have to wait for a sale, their normal prices are already discounted.  The one type of clothing that I go to Century 21 for are for underwear.  I can find Wacoal, Bali, Lilyette, Olga, Maidenform, etc for half off.  Just yesterday, I bought a Lilyette minimizer that was priced at $32 retail and I bought at $14.97.  I can't get a bargain like that on sale or at the outlets.  How is the store able to sell these items at low prices?  Simple, they buy last year's fashions.  The fashion industry survives on those people who must wear the latest styles and are willing to pay top dollar.  I am not one of those people.  So every season, the clothing stores have to get rid of their merchandise.  They almost always have a seasonal sale so they can make room for the new merchandise for the upcoming season.  The clothing that they haven't sold, they sell to Century 21.  So my purchase of that Lilyette minimizer means that I am wearing the previous season's style.  It's such a hardship.

The other great store that I like to go to when I'm in Manhattan, is Jack's.  Jack's is kind of like a bargain basement type of store.  You come in and you never know what you'll find at a great price.  Jack's used to be a 99-cent store but not everything is 99 cents any more.  They sell all types of different merchandise and their stock turns over a lot so when you find something you like, you have to buy it right then.  I have bought JVC ear pods for $6.99.  They have a grocery section.  I bought a small wheel of brie, Presidential brand (made from France) for $1.99.  Have a party coming up?  You can buy some very nice party items for cheap.

So if you don't know about these stores.  Google them and visit.  It's worthwhile.

Where do you go for great deals?

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