Saturday, April 19, 2014

Movie Review: God's Not Dead

Official Movie Poster

This independently made film is a gem.  One of the few movies around that will stimulate you intellectually and tug at your heartstrings, and because it is the Easter weekend, a very appropriate time to see it.  At the heart of this movie is a debate between a cynical, atheist professor of philosophy who challenges a devout Christian freshman to a debate about God's existence.  It will be up to the students of the philosophy class to determine the winner.  Intertwined around the main story are some vignettes of other characters and their relationship/nonrelationship to God.

There are no special effects, a rarity nowadays, just classic movie storytelling. There are no big movie marquis names to pull people into the theater.  In fact the only two well-known actors are Kevin Sorbo (of the Hercules TV series) and Dean Cain (of the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman TV series) and they're only known to Generation X movie goers.  The movie doesn't need anything else and it's worth watching.  Originally released with a limited number of theaters, the good reviews from moviegoers have made it popular and this movie has legs.

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